Friday, August 4, 2017

Day 7 - All Bumbas all the time

Today started pretty slow as we had to say goodbye to our friends. No one really wanted breakfast, so we hung around the house, helped them pack, and said goodbye to them by mid-morning.

We ended up having a late breakfast of french toast to use up all the bread we had in the house. Unfortunately, the uneasiness Steve had felt the day before (possibly from the oysters?) had turned worse today. He ended up spending much of the day going slow with food and resting.

Since he was out of commission, we decided to head back down to the water and let the dogs swim. Because it was high tide, there was plenty of water and very little coast so the dogs went straight into the water. We also pulled out the slide that was on a platform at the edge of the water.

Swimming...this time with no lifejackets on!

They'll chase anything...even a ROCK!

Fun with the slide

Lily wants up!
She is such a dork!

Max just loves to swim

After a swim, we got the dogs back to the house and we headed back down to the kayaks! Emily, Peter and I kayaked across the bay this time and checked out the opposite side from where we are staying. It's pretty undisturbed over there as that is the edge of a national forest.  We heard a waterfall, but couldn't see it. And since the tide was up, there really was no where to dock the kayaks and check it out. After a brief stint along the opposite side, we headed back across the bay.

Have I mentioned the seals when we kayak. They love to come very close and check us out. Not something I'm used to, but definitely adorable!

Sadly, I did not take my camera with me on the kayak as I didn't want to risk losing it in the bay if we tipped, so I have no proof of the cute seals.

The following are photos of when we headed back up to the house. It's a long, uphill climb, but definitely beautiful!

After another stint in the hot tub (can't keep us out!) we cleaned up and headed off to dinner.

Tonight's meal was at the Twana Road House where they spell Mimosa with an 'e' (Memosa).  The food was pretty good. Standard fare of burgers and brats, and the atmosphere was definitely casual/neighborly. Our waitress sat at our table to take our order. :)

After we had our fill, we headed back home to the sunset, the seals (of course) and another round of Risk! (oh, and another attempt at splitting logs...we finally got Andy to try it!) We will get through this game if it takes us 10 years!!

Seals doing what they do best.

Pretty sunsets are so hard to capture.

Peter trying his best. He did split a few!

With his beard, he fits right in with this activity!

We started the game outside, but it got too dark. LOL


Doric said...

Hi Jen - what a pleasure to be following the Bumba cross-country tour once again. Thanks for posting (I'm up to Day 7). Slightly worried by the lack of visible alcohol to balance all the food that's shown!

JenB said...

I am always very cautious about any alcohol postings as I have a reputation to keep up! That being said, you would have been pleased with our vacation consumption.